Interswitch Job Shadowing Chronicles: Almost There!

Rebecca Ihenyen
3 min readApr 29, 2024


Photo by Andrew Moca on Unsplash

Hi there! I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since I made an update here! I’ve had a really crazy past few weeks; I guess it serves me right for complaining about the slow start huh, lol. I completed my remaining assigned courses and learned a lot of new things while at it, had my first live class, started and completed a group assignment and now looking forward to my next class and assignment presentation. I’ll go ahead and give brief summary of all these.

I was able to complete my final two courses with 6wks left. I learned a lot but the following topics I found really interesting especially as I was getting to know about some of them for the first time. They are: Consumer Lending and Economy, Secured Lending vs. Unsecured Lending, Revolving Credit vs. Installment Loans, Credit Life Cycle, Consumer Lending Ecosystem, Credit Bureau and Credit Score. I’ll write a piece on them soon.

I also had my first live session/class with the Interswitch team. It was a really interactive class I must say. We introduced ourselves first and then went through some of the Risk Management basics. There was a Q & A session at the end. Now, I think it’s important to note that every time someone was granted the mic to speak, they had to introduce themselves by telling the class their names and their current workplace and role. I sadly didn’t get an opportunity to speak despite several hand raises but I was impressed by the introductions of the people who did. As someone who is still quite new to this career, I received a shocker when I realized I was in this program with people who have been working in this career for a healthy amount of years and working in really good companies too. Honestly, this realization made me a bit sceptical about my chances but being who I am and knowing what I’m made of, I shrugged it off. Our class ended and we were told to expect an assignment.

Days went by and the assignment finally came in the mail. We got grouped and had about 12 days to submission day. I was really excited about this assignment because I was really looking forward to it especially because I assumed having experienced people in my team would mean I’d learn new things and there would be cooperation amongst us but things didn’t go exactly as I thought. For some reason some of my group members weren’t as enthusiastic about participating but I guess that’s how these things go. In order to not sound like this is a rant I’ll just say, I was not satisfied with the compilation that was submitted and this is because I personally put in a lot of work and time, suggested edits several times even and these were not effected. I really like to always put my best foot forward at all times and the result of this group assignment didn’t show that.

I found it rather interesting that majority of my group members nominated me to do the presentation for the assignment. I will happily do it as it’s an opportunity to put myself out there and prove a point to myself as always. In my next article I’ll tell you how the presentation went but until then fingers crossed as I hope to ace the presentation.

Until next time, find me where the good guys are!

