Rebecca Ihenyen
3 min readJan 7, 2024


Rebecca Ihenyen

Happy New Year!!!

Finally the long awaited “New Year” is here and I must say I feel quite optimistic about this year. I would’ve said I couldn’t place a finger on the reason why, but that would be a lie.

I’m excited about this year because I psyched myself and rested a little in December. I also stumbled across some mind changing sessions and joined them. The first was held by Arit Developer titled ‘Tech Success 2024’ and I must say I was motivated. One thing she said that I held onto is

“you will not get into tech in your spare time"

That reminded me that I have to be intentional with how I use my time and create enough time for studying and improving my skills if I want to succeed at this cybersecurity thing.

The second session was the maiden edition of the ‘Vision Board e-Soiree’, this was organised by @AriaImagined alongside some beautiful and talented women in tech. Now let me just say I’ve never been so pumped for a new year as much as I was after joining that session. I’m not certain what it was exactly but I believe I felt even more empowered just seeing over 200 women from all over the world come together to share their stories, encourage and advise each other on their careers. The one thing that absolutely blew my mind was a woman in active labor who came up to share! It was a very well thought out event and it was executed brilliantly. I need you to understand it started at 1AM Nigerian time and was on for 3hrs and people stayed until the end.

I knew I wanted to try something new coming into 2024 and when I came across the vision board soiree it just made sense. Now, I AM a huge planner but I only always plan things in my head and never actually write them down. I’ve always felt like writing things down puts too much pressure on me cause I already always pressure myself into achieving set goals and when things don’t go the way I want I just abandon everything completely and fall into a depressive episode. But this year I’m one of the Vision Board girlies and I can’t wait to start checking off things from my board. Fingers crossed for all the awesome things I’m about to do this year and all the great opportunities I’m going to cease cause I’m prepping for all of them so I’ll be READY.

I already have some great news to share as my year started on a high note but that will come in my next article.

I hope you are also taking out time to plan your year and prepare for all the plans you’re making. Remember, it’s not enough to plan and write things down, you’ve got to put in the work too. This year 2024 is going to be such a great year and I can’t wait!

Until next time, find me where the good guys are!

